Is the 2020-21 school year your city's year? Take a look at the RFP and start the conversation about how University of Oregon students and faculty can help make your city's priority projects become reality.
Donating to SCI
Anyone who steps foot in our small offices is amazed at how much work and impact we are able to make with so few people. Donations, both small and large, help make this work possible. We continue to operate with an entrepreneurial spirit, hustling to break down disciplinary, administrative, and sector-based silos, while striving to help local communities everywhere meet some of their most pressing environmental, social, and economic challenges. When we focus on that end goal, we also know we are giving the students engaged in our work – either through the classroom or through their employment with SCI – an accelerated ability to be effective in their professional work. The vast majority of SCI work is financially supported by non-University resources, meaning we have to consistently and constantly prove our value. If you see the value in what we do, please consider donating to SCI as it truly helps! For larger gifts, please contact SCI Co-Directors Marc Schlossberg or Nico Larco. Online donations can be made directly to SCI through the University of Oregon Foundation portal using this link.