SCI is proud to announce its research faculty affiliates. Working throughout the University of Oregon, faculty have pooled resources and shared in SCI's mission to investigate areas within Urban Design, Transportation, Communication, and Civic Engagement.
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Shafer's research seeks to address important social, theoretical, and practical issues related to public health promotion and social issues advocacy.

Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography. His research and teaching are anchored in the discipline of Geographic Information Science, where the crossroads between spatial analysis, complex systems modeling and artificial intelligence provide innovative and exciting modes of inquiry and discovery.

Assistant Professor at the school of Journalism and Communication. Remund’s scholarly work focuses on leadership development, team effectiveness, ethical decision-making and social responsibility.

Director of the School of Journalism and Communication's advertising program. Morrison leverages the conceptual and critical skills of the idea industry to work on solving social and cultural issues. She also investigates issues exploring livability and public transportation.

Assistant Professor in the Department of Planning, Public Policy & Management. He is the co-director for the Center for Latino/a and Latin American Studies. Sandoval's research focuses on the roles of immigrants in community regeneration, the responses of governments to the presence of immigrants, and the ways that transnational relationships shape spaces that immigrants inhabit.

Director of the Environmental and Natural Resources Law Center. As ENR's Director, Brinton administers seven interdisciplinary projects: the Conservation Trust Project; the Energy Law and Policy Project; the Food Resiliency Project; the Global Environmental Democracy Project; the Native Environmental Sovereignty Project; the Oceans, Coast and Watersheds Project; and the Sustainable Land Use Project. All of these projects conduct research and analysis and provide innovative solutions to today's environmental problems.

SCI's visiting ENR for 2015-2016. Jonathan is a Professor of Law and Director of Environmental & Sustainability Programming at Drake University Law School, teaching in the areas of environmental law, sustainability, and state and local government. His research focuses on collective action challenges, particularly environmental challenges, facing local governments and has been published in Hastings Law Journal, Brigham Young University Law Review, Harvard Environmental Law Review and others.

Instructor and public relations area Director of the School of Journalism and Communication. Matthews is responsible for high-level communication, strategic planning, budget management and leadership for a wide variety of clients.

Associate Director of InfoGraphics Lab and Campus GIS Program Coordinator within the Department of Geography. Kato is an expert in mapping and related mapping technologies, transportation planning, geographic information systems (GIS), and "smart cities." Recent work has been in collaboration with researchers in transportation, spatial modeling, architecture, climate, and human physiology.

Co-Director of Sustainable Cities Initiative (SCI) and Associate Director of National institute for Transportation & Communities (NITC). Schlossberg's primary applied research focal areas revolve around sustainable transportation, especially in retrofitting communities to better support biking and walking. This work ranges from bottom-up, participatory GIS approaches to more standard analysis of urban form and transportation to the production of user-friendly materials that give broader access to good bike/ped design.

Co-Director of Sustainable Cities Initiative (SCI) and Associate Professor in the Department of Architecture. Professor Larco's research focus is on sustainable urban design, active transportation, street design, and how urban design affects the sustainability of buildings. He recently developed the Sustainable Urban Design Framework that identifies and organizes urban design elements and approaches based on sustainability goals and project's scale.

Assistant Professor of the Department of Planning, Public Policy & Management. Ngo key focus areas are in health economics, environmental policy, urban sustainability, and atmospheric science.

Assistant Professor in the Department of Architecture as well as a practicing architect. His research in bottom-up urban design investigates frameworks for participation leveraging real-time computation at the scale of urban systems analysis tools and urban installations at the related unit scale.

Research Director of Sustainable Cities Initiative (SCI) as well as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Planning, Public Policy & Management. Lewis focuses on land use policy, growth management, urban form, sustainable development, and state and local public finance.

SCI Research Associate. His work focuses on sustainable transportation, land use, climate change, and collaborative problem-solving approaches.

Associate Professor in the Department of Planning, Public Policy & Management as well as Interim Program Director of the Master of Community & Regional Planning Program and leader of SCI China.