SCYP Projects and Classes

The broad range of issues communities face can be matched with the similarly broad range of expertise and focus of SCYP. The following list captures many of the typical project areas that past communities have focused on, though new ideas and opportunities emerge each year.Many projects involve community site visits and all projects yield a synthesized, professional report that becomes a decision-making deliverable for our community partner (and a great workforce development project for the student report writers). The past final reports are available on the Past SCYP Partnerships page.

  • Community Engagement
    • Public Relations Campaigns
    • Engagement with Marginalized Communities
    • Stakeholder Engagement
    • Community Advisory Council
  • Geography
    • Remote Sensing and Mapping
    • GIS Analysis
    • Community Asset Mapping
  • Public Policy and Management
  • Law
    • Legal Analysis
    • Local Codes for Sustainability 

SCYP Faculty Spotlights

Marc Schlossberg
Professor, School of Planning, Public Policy and Management
Yekang Ko
Associate Professor, College of Design
Sara Adams-Schoen
Assistant Professor, School of Law
Rebecca Lewis
Associate Professor, School of Planning, Public Policy and Management
Nancy Cheng
Associate Professor, College of Design
Dyana Mason
Associate Professor, School of Planning, Public Policy and Management
Attila Schillinger
Professor of Practice, School of Journalism and Communication
Anne Brown
Assistant Professor, School of Planning, Public Policy and Management

Student and Faculty Resources