Application Timeline


    SCYP Application Opens

    RFP is made available online for all interested cities. 


    November - January 

    Open Application Period

    SCYP Manager, Megan Banks, will be available for phone conferences and in-person meetings to discuss potential projects with partners. SCYP strongly suggests that partners interested in applying for SCYP schedule a phone conference, or visit with SCYP staff. 


    Proposals Due

    All applications are due to SCYP.


    SCYP Partner Selection 

    SCYP will identify and notify its top choice for next year's partner.


    Early may

    Media Announcement

    SCYP and partner coordinate media/press announcement of partner selection. 

    april - august 

    Planning Begins

    SCYP and partner begin to match proposed projects with academic courses and faculty. SCYP and partner develop and sign contract. Partner visits UO to discuss projects with faculty. 

Download SCYP partnership detailed timeline

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